"Event Operations Order" for VEMRA members
a… March 29, VEMRA outing. Area to be announce.
b… May 17-19, Annual Military Bivouac
May 24, Fort Macaulay Day
May 29, Veterans Affairs Candlelight Remembrance. (see note)
c… June 14-15, Heritage Acres Annual Summer Fair
d… July. VEMRA outing, date to be announced
e… Aug 23-24, BC Aviation Museum open house.
f… Sept 13-14, Heritage Acres Threshing Fair.
g… Oct. VEMRA fall outing, date to be announced
h… Nov 8, Sooke Regional Museum Remembrance Day Homefront event.
Nov 11, Remembrance Day, more to follow
i… Dec. VEMRA Xmas social, date and location to be announced.
NOTE: As you all can see May, as always, is a very busy month, but I look at the VAC Candlelight Remembrance as a very important one and I understand it can be a difficult one to attend due to it being in the evening. But if at all possible please try to make it and support Veterans Affairs in this act of Remembrance.