May Events

This year, May was a busy month for events.  We ended up having three events on three consecutive weekends.

The first one was a Mother's Day Tea, with a theme of "Homefront".  A lovely, low key event that sort of eased us into the season.


The second event was the big one for the year.  Always held on the May Long Weekend, the Annual Military Encampment is always the biggest event with the biggest turnout of members along with all their favourite toys (ie, military vehicles and other accoutrements...)  It features firing demonstrations on the weekend, plus an action packed tactical maneuver demonstration.  Definitely not one to miss.

Finally, there was the now fifth annual Macaulay walkabout on the last Saturday of May.  This year, the theme was specifically the last 100 days of WW1 as this year marks the 100th anniversary of the end of WW1.

Upcoming next will be a multi era event in June, "The Road to Victory".  See you there!

Photos for the Mother's Day Tea here.

Photos for Macaulay Walkabout here.

More photos to come...