Uniforms of the Workers' and Peasants' Army (RKKA) 1941-1945

Uniforms of the Workers' and Peasants' Army (RKKA) 1941-1945

The uniforms and equipment of the RKKA during the Great Patriotic War (GPW/WW2) can be easily described as simple, yet comfortable and practical. For these series of posts, a basic overview will be given of the typical equipment worn during the GPW from 1941-45. For this post, the uniform of the RKKA will be the star!

Figgy Dowdy...if you dare

Figgy Dowdy...if you dare


For centuries the plain ships biscuit has been the English sailors staple fare.  Much maligned and the butt of many jokes, it is the Naval version of the Army's "hardtack".  It is made very simply using only flour, water and salt.

With such plain fare, the sailors had to become creative...

Pearl Harbour in Retrospect

Pearl Harbour in Retrospect


On the evening of Dec. 7th, 1941 the Canadian Prime Minster announced that Canada was at war with Japan. The British garrison at Hong Kong had been attacked and even though Canada had been at war since 1939, it was the first time the Canadian Army had gone into action. On Christmas Day the garrison fell and of the 1,975 Canadians that were part of the defense force, 290 were killed in action and those who survived the battle became POW’s and their ordeal was just beginning, another 287 would die in the camps.

Upcoming 2017 VEMRA Events

Just a quick post to list the upcoming events for 2017.  There will be more information for each event in the Events Calendar.

Bunker Bash--> Feb. 25 & 26 --  Fort Rodd Hill

Vimy-->  April 8 & 9   --  Fort Rodd Hill and Bay Street Armoury

Heritage Tea ->  April 22--  Fort Rodd Hill

May Encampment-->   May 19 - 22 -- Fort Rodd Hill

Macaulay Walkabout -->  May 27 --  Macaulay Point Park

Women on the Homefront/ D-Day-->  June 17 & 18 -- Fort Rodd Hill

Canada Day -->  July 1 & 2 -- Fort Rodd Hill

Naval Museum Open House --> July 8 --  CFB Esquimalt Naval Museum

BC Air Museum Open House -->  July 29 -- BC Air Museum, Sidney

Agrifair Event -->  Aug 4 - 6--  Abbotsford

Fab Forts -->  Aug 19--  Fort Rodd Hill

Battle of Britain --> Sept 17-- BC Air Museum, Sidney

Lantern Tour --> Sept 23 --  Fort Rodd Hill

Annual Gun Show --> Oct 28 & 29 -- Saanichton Fairgrounds


The list will be updated as we have more info...


The Western Front Assoc.

For all who might be interested...

The Western Front Association - Pacific Coast Branch, an organization dedicated to educating the public and maintaining an interest in the history of the Great War (WW1), is holding their annual series of seminars in early March 2017 at the Bay Street Armoury.

For more information, either follow the link to their website above, or you can click on the image below to be taken directly to their pdf registration form as well as all the information about the upcoming seminar program.


Straw hat to Bergere

Straw hat to Bergere


A bergere is a type of hat that was very popular during the 18th century, mostly mid-century.  Typically it is a straw hat with a very shallow crown and wide brim, most often decorated with ribbons and flowers. The word bergere means shepherdess in french, and the fashion for dressing up as a shepherdess or inspired by was also very popular during the 18th century.

Here you have a couple famous examples of bergere hats...

New Beginnings

Welcome to VEMRA's brand new website!

We are still very much a work in progress.  Alot more content is yet to come.  Expect lots more changes and updates, including more event photos,  some tutorials and videos and much more, so stay tuned and check back often.  In the meantime, take a moment to look around the site and leave us a comment, either here or through the "contact us" form, we'd love to hear from you!