The last two weeks of May saw VEMRA participate in no less than three events. The first, and biggest was the annual military encampment. A four day event with a large encampment setting up on the main green of Fort Rodd Hill with tents and military vehicles on display.
This year marked the 20th anniversary of the event, and we had a particularly big turn out of participants. The overall theme this year was commemorating 150 years of Canadian confederation.
And as befitting that theme, a wide range of eras was represented. From the Colonial period...
Through the Great War...
Very important to have correctly tied puttees.
And beyond...
The biggest draw on both days of the weekend were the firing demos...
And the tactical maneuver demonstrations...
The weather co-operated and a goodly amount of people dropped by the sight throughout the weekend despite stiff competition from the Highland Games also occurring on the same days.
All photos for this event can be found here.