The last two events of May were smaller than our annual encampment but no less significant. Firstly, VEMRA was asked to participate in a Candlelight ceremony at God's Little Acre cemetery in Esquimalt. We played the part of WW1 ghost soldiers and nurses.
We started off hidden inside the little chapel so none of the people arriving for the ceremony knew we were there.
At the appointed time, we would come out, each holding a candle...
...and place them on a grave.
Photo by Gary Kangas
The evening was made more special by the presence of the Lieutenant Governor.
And of course, cake was had...
Lastly, we were once again out at Fort Macaulay, for the 4th year in a row. Previous years saw us there for only a couple hours in the morning, giving an informative tour around the site, led by Jack Bates, promoting the history and significance of the site. This time, was a longer event, a full day, with much more static displays.
The event was officially opened by the Mayor of Esquimalt, unveiling new interpretive signage that will be posted throughout the site.
A good write up of the event by Jack Bates was in the Lookout Newspaper.